Thursday, October 11, 2012

Recovery Christian Center Daily Meditation - 10/11/12 - Recovering From Loss

"God blesses those who mourn,for they will be comforted." Matthew 5:4 NLT

One of the common misconceptions about Christians in Recovery is that we, because of our relationship with God, we shouldn't feel the loss as deeply or as intently. That's just not true. The text says that those who mourn are blessed and will be comforted. That should tell us that it is not only ok to feel but it is a sign of our deepening relationship with God that we can feel. In our old life many of us stuffed our emotions or used something outside our selves to numb them. Our recovery and our relationship with God isn't meant to be the new thing that numbs us. God instead wants to comfort us and heal us, but in order to be healed we first have to feel.

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