Wednesday, October 31, 2012

As all of you know Hurricane Sandy has caused wide spread devastation all along the Easter Half of the United States. However none of the damage has been as wide spread and has had the level of impact as the entire state of NJ. As a pastor and a recovering person, and as a human being I feel a call from God to do something. So today I have used contacts at the NJ Office of Emergency Management to
find out what the need is and where to make the most impact. I know of all of you i can't be the only one. As spiritual people we can of course come together in prayer and second we can pool our resources to have a greater impact together than we could do by ourselves. Having said that I am inviting all of you to a time of gathering, prayer, ecumenical worship, and giving to completely benefit the disaster relief efforts in New Jersey. We are holding this on this Saturday, November 3 at our church, Recovery Christian Center, 4110 Haverford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104. Service will begin at 5pm. Lets come together as churches and community and have a greater impact than we could do as individuals or individual churches. For more info contact us at 267-582-5013 or

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