Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Recovery Christian Center is a ministry that is truly different from any other worship experience. We are definitely not church as usual! We are dress down and come as you are! We are a place of worship that is open to all the folks that most churches don't want: the addict, alcoholic, sex addict, gambler, prostitute, returning citizen, folk with behavioral health issues or intellectual disabilities, corner boys, teen and unwed mothers, at risk youth, folk with HIV, the tattooed & pierced, folk who don't feel like they fit in at a traditional church, and all those just beat up by life. We are the place where misfits fit! We are a place that will accept, welcome, encourage, and celebrate your recovery.

We have two locations in Philly to serve you!

Our Weekly Schedule:

Tuesday: 7pm Bible Study & Prayer on Prayer Line 712-432-1500 Access Code 754905

Wednesday: 12pm Noon Day Prayer on Prayer line, 7pm Won By One Christian 12 Step Fellowship Meeting @ RCC Kensington

Friday: 7pm Recovery Gospel Open Mic Nite @ RCC Kensington

Saturday: 5pm Recovery & Deliverance Service @ RCC West

RCC Kensington @ SKA, 2418 Kensington Ave, Philadelphia, PA
RCC West, 4110 Haverford Ave, Philadelphia, PA

We are Radical Ministry for Radical Brokenness!

Check out our new website:

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