Monday, March 31, 2014

RCC Daily Meditation 3/31/14 - The Depth of God's Love

Recovery Christian Center Daily Meditation - 3/31/14 - The Depth of God's Love
"And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love. No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord." Romans 8:38-39 NLT
One of the challenges for some recovering folk and even Christian folk is a belief that they are not worthy of God's love. We tend to look at our past and even some things that happen after we begin this new life and think that we have disqualified ourselves from God really loving us. This couldn't be further from the truth, but unfortunately because we haven't learned to love or forgive ourselves we have trouble seeing any level of love coming from God.
The truth is that He really does love us and there is nothing we could ever do or have done to us to change that. It doesn't matter what you did or where you came from. He still loves you and has always loved you not in spite of who you are but because of who you are. If you allow Him He will love you out of your condition, out of your circumstances and into His marvelous life. He will take you from feeling worthless, useless, hopeless and lost into a sense of value and purpose.
Nothing can separate you from His love. Now this isn't license to act crazy, but He loves us so much that He will forgive us for whatever we do if we simply believe in Him, ask for it and be willing to change. Like any good parent He wants us to do better, and only chastises us when we are off track not to punish but simply to correct. And no matter how much correction we need He won't stop loving us or seeing value in us nor will He give up on us. Simply put, God loves us more than we could ever imagine and there is nothing you can do about that.

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Part 2 of 2nd Pastoral Anniversary Today @ RCC West

We wanna see you at Part 2 of Recovery Christian Center's 2nd Pastoral Anniversary of Pastors Chris & Paula Kimmenez today at 5pm at 4110 Haverford Ave in West Philly! FREE Banquet starts at 3:30pm and service starts at 5pm! We welcome Pastor Dan Roth and Summerfield UMC! It Will Change Ur Life!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Nite 1 of Our 2nd Pastoral Anniversary!

So Excited! Join us @ 7pm for Night 1 of Recovery Christian Center's 2nd Pastoral Anniversary @ SKA 2418 Kensington Avenue in Philly, PA! We welcome Pastor Robert Johnson and Feast of the Pentecost Ministries! Be There!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Registration is open for 2014 DBHIDS Faith Conference

For all people of faith
. This is a free conference on how faith communities respond to trauma. Please register and attend.
The Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS) is pleased to announce that REGISTRATION is now open for the 8th Annual Faith and Spiritual Affairs Conference Trauma And Healing: Faith Communities Respond. Join us, and the diverse faith and spiritual communities of Philadelphia, at this FREE conference which will provide awareness and resources to the faith and provider community. Additionally, it will provide a deeper understanding of the key principals of “Trauma Informed Care.”

Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis so don't wait to sign-up!
For more conference information and registration:
click on:

Join us for our 2nd Pastoral Anniversary this Weekend!

This weekend @ the Recovery Christian Centers we gonna get our celebration on! Join us Friday @ RCC Kensington @ SKA 2418 Kensington Ave @ 7pm as we welcome Pastor Robert Johnson and Feast of the Pentecost Ministries to our Recovery Gospel Open Mic Nite & on Saturday @ RCC West 4110 Haverford for our FREE Banquet @ 3:30pm and our Recovery & Deliverance Service @ 5pm as we welcome PastorDan Roth & Summerfield UMC (Summerfield)! It's gonna be awesome!

Friday, March 21, 2014

This Weekend at the Recovery Christian Centers!

Are you struggling with going to the next level? Is God asking you to do something or let go of something that has you in doubt or even in fear? Are you just struggling with faith in general? Well join us this weekend at the Recovery Christian Centers as we explore a message entitled, "Stepping Out of the Boat!"
We have 2 locations in Philly to serve you:
RCC Kensington, 2418 Kensington Ave Every Friday @ 7pm. 
RCC West, 4100 Haverford Ave Every Saturday @ 5pm.
It Will Change Ur Life!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Won By One Tonight @ RCC Kensington!

Join us tonight at 7pm at Recovery Christian Center Kensington @ SKA2418 Kensington Ave in Philly for the Kenzo Group of the Won By One Christian 12 step Fellowship. It will bless you!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bible Study tonite!

Join us on the Recovery Christian Center Prayer Line tonight at 7pm EDT for our Recovery Bible Study. It will bless you! 712-432-1500 Access Code 754905!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Put Down The Extra Baggage!

Recovery Christian Center Daily Meditation - 3/17/14 - Put Down The Extra Baggage!
"Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 NLT
One of the wonderful blessings of recovery and a personal relationship with Christ is that we find that living this spiritual life is so much simpler that the self destructive patterns we came from. We can put down the baggage of shame, guilt, grief, pain, anger, resentment, fear, pride, ego, etc. We can begin to pick up the much lighter load of joy, selflessness, God centeredness, self esteem and self respect, dignity, and God awareness that come from a spiritual life.
The problem for many of us is that we too often try to carry both. We are still holding on to the heavy, self destructive mess while trying to balance the spiritual character as well. It becomes the spiritual equivalent of running up a descending escalator with a full suitcase. In other words it doesn't work very well.
It's time to let go of the overwhelming and totally unnecessary burden of the old life in favor of the much lighter, much simpler, much more rewarding new one. Freedom my not be free but it is far less costly than bondage.
Find us on the web: @
on Twitter: @RevDrCMKimmenez

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Recovery Christian Center is a ministry that is truly different from any other worship experience. We are definitely not church as usual! We are dress down and come as you are! We are a place of worship that is open to all the folks that most churches don't want: the addict, alcoholic, sex addict, gambler, prostitute, returning citizen, folk with behavioral health issues or intellectual disabilities, corner boys, teen and unwed mothers, at risk youth, folk with HIV, the tattooed & pierced, folk who don't feel like they fit in at a traditional church, and all those just beat up by life. We are the place where misfits fit! We are a place that will accept, welcome, encourage, and celebrate your recovery.

We have two locations in Philly to serve you!

Our Weekly Schedule:

Tuesday: 7pm Bible Study & Prayer on Prayer Line 712-432-1500 Access Code 754905

Wednesday: 12pm Noon Day Prayer on Prayer line, 7pm Won By One Christian 12 Step Fellowship Meeting @ RCC Kensington

Friday: 7pm Recovery Gospel Open Mic Nite @ RCC Kensington

Saturday: 5pm Recovery & Deliverance Service @ RCC West

RCC Kensington @ SKA, 2418 Kensington Ave, Philadelphia, PA
RCC West, 4110 Haverford Ave, Philadelphia, PA

We are Radical Ministry for Radical Brokenness!

Check out our new website:

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Join us Sunday afternoon

Attention all Recovery Christian Center members, this is a gentle reminder. We are traveling to House of God, 1503 W. Cumberland in North Philly under Pastor Joseph Dykes, to celebrate their Deacon's Anniversary . Yours truly is the guest Word Bearer. Service starts at 4:30pm! The Lord gave me a LIFE CHANGING WORD!

Today @ Recovery Christian Center West!

Join us today @ Recovery Christian Center West for a Life Changing and come as u are worship experience! Our Executive Pastor, Rev. Paula Burnett-Kimmenez will bring a powerful word! 4110 Haverford Ave in West Philly Every Saturday @ 5pm!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Please pray and then come see us tonight!

Heading to court with a member of Recovery Christian Center who is facing aggravated assault charges on a police officer after an unfortunate encounter. Please pray for a positive outcome and that the truth prevails. Then join us this evening at RCC Kensington @ SKA 2418 Kensington Ave in Philly @ 7pm for our Recovery Gospel Open Mic Nite! We gonna get it in with a message entitled, "Back To The Basics". See you there!

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Are you standing in the need of prayer? Join us!

If ur struggling with something or if you've got the victory we need you on the Recovery Christian Center Prayer Line for Bible Study and prayer tonight and every Tuesday Night at 7pm EST! 712-432-1500 Access Code 754905! See you there!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

2nd Pastoral Anniversary at Recovery Christian Center!

The Recovery Christian Centers invite you to the 2nd Pastoral Anniversary of our Pastors, Rev. Dr. Chris Kimmenez & Rev. Paula Burnett-Kimmenez!

March 29, 2014

Our Guest Preacher will be Pastor Dan Roth & Summerfield UMC!

Dinner will be served 3:30pm and service starts at 5pm! 

4110 Haverford Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Tonight @ RCC!

Getting excited about worship today. We wanna c ur face in da place. RCC West 4110 Haverford, West Philly @ 5pm! It will CHANGE UR LIFE! — at Recovery Christian Center.