Monday, February 17, 2014


This morning has really been one of reflection after an emotional weekend. It is interesting that it has taken 19 years being saved and in recovery from addiction and the death of my sponsor to fully understand some basic truths. The first is something I should have already known after losing both my parents, one of my siblings, and one of my children. It is simply to love folk like it is mine and their last day on earth. Leave nothing unsaid or undone in those relationships. It will leave fewer regrets. The second is related to the first. Never take anyone for granted. God has placed them in your life for a reason. Even when they leave it shouldn't be because you were too blind to see their exit. The last thing is to stop chasing what you can't have and appreciate what you have. I don't mean to say that you stop reaching for your dreams, but don't neglect to appreciate and be grateful for what and who you already have. If we hold on to those truths we can strive to better than we are without trampling over anyone or anything that helps us get there.

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