Sunday, October 20, 2013

Who RCC Serves

Somebody asked me today if Recovery Christian Center is just for folks in recovery. I had to tell them "no". We don't just want the addicts, alcoholics, food addicts, gamblers and sex addicts. We also want the sex workers, the corner boys, the folks with behavioral health issues, the disabled (including the intellectually disabled), folks with HIV or Hep, the at risk youth, the teen moms, the veterans with PTSD, the homeless, the abuse and domestic violence survivors and anybody else that other churches don't want. We also want those who are just beat up by life and want a place to heal and those who are just tired of church as usual. So if don't feel like you fit in anywhere else then join us at the place where misfits fit.

We have two locations in Philly to serve you:

RCC Kensington @ SKA, 2418 Kensington Ave, Every Friday @ 7pm.
RCC West, 4110 Haverford Ave, Every Saturday @ 5pm.

We are Radical Ministry for Radical Brokenness!

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