Sunday, September 27, 2015

My thoughts on the papal visit

Despite some annoyance with being trapped in my house due to our proximity to the travel restricted zone, I must say I am a little shocked at my fellow clergy for their response to the papal visit. Yes we may not agree with his theology or ceremonial practices, we can't impugn his character or his humility. Yes there are contradictions such as talking about carbon footprints when you traveled in a private jet. But the reality is a head of state can't get here any other practical way. Lets be real how many of us in his position as the head of state and head of any world wide organization would give up dinner with Congress to eat with the homeless, or go spend time at a prison, or stop a procession to minister to the disabled or yes carry his own bag? Too many of us good Baptist and Pentecostal folk would act more like his predecessor, caught up in the power and the trappings of the office. Dare I say it, too many of us are caught up now already in the "serve me" mentality rather than being servants as Christ commanded. We like our armor bearers and adjutants, and the layers that keep us separated from the people we lead. We like the folks carry our bibles and our bags and bring us our plates to the head table because God forbid we should sit with the people or stand in the buffet line. We like the comfortable, plush, throne like chair in the pulpit while our people sit on metal folding chairs or unpadded pews. And you know we ain't turning down the 3,000 dollar hand made red papal shoes for something from Payless or insisting on the simplest of vestments and a simple silver cross and tiny fishermen's ring. God forbid we shouldn't preach about prosperity and entitlement, and preach the fruit of the spirit. We can even disagree with his titles and manners of being addressed, or him being worshiped instead of God. The reality is pastoral and leader worship happens in our fellowships too and some of our titles are a little grandiose as well. I see nothing in this man's character that says he is encouraging this but simply is a man that must operate within tradition and seems to make every effort to break it especially when it comes to his person. Y'all know most of y'all aint gonna be chauffeured in a Fiat. James 1:27 says, "Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world." He is definitely doing the first part and all of us struggle with the second. As I said before we may disagree in theology but us good bible preaching, bible teaching, bible believing folk could learn a thing or tow about servant leadership and humility from this man.

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