Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bible Study Tonight

Thanks again to Rev. Dr. Bruce Alick and First Lady Kare Bearstein-Alick and the Mt Zion Baptist Church of Germantown family for allowing Recovery Christian Center to come fellowship with you on the opening night of your revival. It is always an honor to be invited to preach anywhere and an even greater honor to be invited back. It was an awesome time. The Word was "Why Are You Settling For Less?" from 1 Peter 2:9-10! God moved in that place! It was incredible. Thanks to Evangelist Darlene King and her daughters for coming to support us. It's always an honor when another awesome preacher takes time out of her schedule to come hear you. Thanks to EITMichelle D. Josey for representing our music ministry making it easy for me to preach. Special thanks to my beautiful wife Rev. Paula Burnett-Kimmenez for supporting me in the pulpit and praying my already sore throat held up. Now why don't you join us on the RCC Prayer Line tonight at 7pm EDT for a Bible Study 712-432-1500 access code 754905.

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