Thursday, April 24, 2014

RCC is on the Move!

Yesterday's Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services 8th Annual Faith & Spiritual Affairs Conference was awesome. Mary Lee Harper and her team did an incredible job. Recovery Christian Center and Healing Communities USA were well represented. Pastor Paula Burnett-Kimmenez was the opening story teller and did an awesome job.DrA'Shellarien Lang and I presented and Trish Callahan Murzyn made some great comments at the HC Table. The Sesame Street Kits for Children of the Incarcerated went like hot cakes. Also kudos to Minister Michelle D. Josey for designing the best display table at the conference. RCC looked good! No rest for the weary today though. Spending the next two days finishing Cognitive Behavioral Training with Truthought and then off to school tonight at Master's Commission Bible Institute.

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