Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

RCC Bible Study Tonite!

Join us tonight at 7pm EDT on the Recovery Christian Center Prayer Line for Bible Study! It will be LIFE CHANGING! 712-432-1500 access code 754905!

Sunday, April 27, 2014

RCC at STBC today at 3

Recovery Christian Center is traveling to Solomon Temple Baptist Church @ 6th & Erie in North Philly today at 3pm for their Pastor's Aid Anniversary. Come out and get a Life Changing Word!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

RCC is on the Move!

Yesterday's Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services 8th Annual Faith & Spiritual Affairs Conference was awesome. Mary Lee Harper and her team did an incredible job. Recovery Christian Center and Healing Communities USA were well represented. Pastor Paula Burnett-Kimmenez was the opening story teller and did an awesome job.DrA'Shellarien Lang and I presented and Trish Callahan Murzyn made some great comments at the HC Table. The Sesame Street Kits for Children of the Incarcerated went like hot cakes. Also kudos to Minister Michelle D. Josey for designing the best display table at the conference. RCC looked good! No rest for the weary today though. Spending the next two days finishing Cognitive Behavioral Training with Truthought and then off to school tonight at Master's Commission Bible Institute.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Bible Study tonight

Join us tonight @ 7pm EDT for Bible Study & Prayer on the Recovery Christian Center Prayer Line 712-432-1500 access code 754905. You will be blessed!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Today @ RCC West!

You don't want to miss today's Resurrection Celebration @Recovery Christian Center West 4110 Haverford Avenue in West Philly, PA @ 5pm! Awesome Worship, Foot Washing, Holy Communion and a tag team sermon from Pastor Paula & yours truly!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Good Friday at RCC!

Getting excited about today. First up at noon at Recovery Christian Center West 4110 Haverford Avenue, West Philly, PA our Good Friday 7 Last Words Service withPastor-Leonard R. Norris III, Pastor Robyn Brooker, Pastor Joseph Dykes, MinisterMichelle D. Josey, Pastor Robert JohnsonOverseer JT Cohen and myself. Then at 7pm at RCC Kensington @ SKA, 2418 Kensington Ave in Philly, Our Good Friday Open Mic Nite Panel Service featuring Overseer Samuel Washington and Pastor Gregory S Morgan Sr! U don't want to miss it!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Busy Day!

On my way to our Recovery Christian Center/Mt Zion Join Feeding Ministry at RCC West 4110 Haverford Ave. Gotta Word for the house! Spiritual Food & Natural Food! Then over to RCC Kensington @ SKA for a meeting of Kenzo Group of Won By One Christian 12 step Fellowship, 2418 Kensington Ave @ 7pm!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Holy Week @ The Recovery Christian Centers

Recovery Christian Center wants to invite you to our all of our activities during Holy Week! It will be LIFE CHANGING!

Tuesday @ 7pm @ RCC Prayer Line - Holy Week Bible Study - Call 712-432-1500 Access Code 754905.

Wednesday @ Noon @ RCC Prayer Line - Noon Day Holy Week Prayer - Call Number Above. 

Wednesday @ Noon @ RCC West - MT Zion/RCC Joint Prayer Service & Feeding Ministry.

Wednesday @ 7pm @ RCC Kensington - Kenzo Group of the Won By One Christian 12 step Fellowship

Friday @ Noon @ RCC West - 7 Last Words Service featuring Pastor-Leonard R. Norris III, Pastor Robyn Brooker, Pastor Joseph Dykes, Minister Michelle D. Josey, Pastor Robert JohnsonOverseer JT Cohen, and yours truly!

Friday @ 7pm @ RCC Kensington - Good Friday Panel Service & Holy Communion @ Recovery Gospel Open Mic Night featuring Overseer Samuel Washington & PastorGregory S Morgan Sr

Saturday @ 5pm @ RCC West - Resurrection, Foot Washing, & Holy Communion & Recovery & Deliverance Service featuring a Tag Team Sermon From Pastor Paula Burnett-Kimmenez & yours truly!

RCC Kensington @ SKA, 2418 Kensington Ave, Philly, PA 19125
RCC West @ Mt Zion UHC, 4110 Haverford Ave, West Philly, PA 19104

We Are Radical Ministry For Radical Brokenness!

Friday, April 11, 2014

Tonite @ RCC Kensington!

Wanna C Ur Face in Da Place tonight at Recovery Christian Center Kensington @ SKAtonight & Every Friday at 7pm! It's Our Weekly Recovery Gospel Open Mic Nite! Calling all Gospel Rappers, Psalmist, & Spoken Word Artist and Gospel Karaoke folk! Let's Celebrate God & Recovery! 2418 Kensington Ave in Philly, PA!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Busy Day Today!

On my way to represent Healing Communities USA at a Reentry Visioning Meeting With The Federation of Neighborhood Centers then gonna stop by and see my friend Bishop Frank Vega Jr. and then this evening to the Kenzo Group of The Won By One Christian 12 step Fellowship at SKA 2418 Kensington Ave @ 7pm!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bible Study Tonite

Join us tonight at 7pm EDT on the Recovery Christian Center Prayer Line for Bible Study 712-432-1500 access code 754905! You will be blessed!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Recovery Christian Center Daily Meditation - 4/7/14 - Taking Life For Granted
"Look here, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we are going to a certain town and will stay there a year. We will do business there and make a profit.” How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone. What you ought to say is, “If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.” James 4:13-15 NLT
The reality of being in recovery and having a personal relationship with God is that we really do live a whole new way of life. Many of us, for the first time in our lives have peace, love, and joy. We have renewed relationships with family and friends. We enjoy or work and our service to others. We are allowing God to make dreams reality. Even with challenges this truly is a wonderful way of life.
The caution from the text, however, is not to take these blessings for granted. We have to understand that none of our blessings or relationships are permanent except our relationship with God. Folk we love will pass or sometimes just pass out of our lives. Jobs and assignments come and go and material things are temporary. Most of us have had regrets about something we should have said or did or not said or did surrounding someone that is no longer around. God is telling us that part of living this new way is that we can avoid those regrets in the future by appreciating what and who we have now. We can stop neglecting them or taking them for granted. We can stop putting off phone calls or chances to get together. We can stop leaving things unsaid or undone. Tomorrow is not promised to us or them so let's not act like we have all the time in the world to appreciate what or who we have before we look up one day and it and they are gone.