Monday, September 2, 2013

Preparing for Philadelphia Stand Down

One of the main principles taught in both Christianity and recovery is that gratitude is an action word. We best express gratitude in who and how we serve. As I sit here making last minute preparations to leave for the fist day of set up at Philadelphia Stand Down, the homeless veterans organization I am proud to serve as chaplain of, I must admit that I am not just grateful to serve those disadvantaged and in many ways forgotten veterans, but I am grateful for the folks I serve with on the PSD staff and volunteers. Folks like Eddie SpellerGerard CorrentoCarmine MaggioWahoo UscherPauline ChafinRobert JohnsonPaula Burnett-Kimmenez, Edward CunninghamSteve Kelly, and many others. They work tirelessly to make lives better for those that have served us all. This week is for my brothers and sisters in arms that we will serve but also for the brothers and sisters in arms I am still serving with. To God be the glory! Semper Fi! Hoorah!

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