Thursday, August 8, 2013

We bout ta blow up!

I am so excited about what God is doing at the Recovery Christian Centers. Over the next few weeks we will be getting ready for the Ordination and Installation of CoPastor Paula Burnett-Kimmenez and we are beginning to consecrate ourselves and allowing God to strip things out of us in this season. We will soon be kicking offOvercomer's University at RCC Kensington @ SKA and also getting ready foPRO-ACT Recovery Walks 2013 and our part in Philadelphia Stand Down. We are also exploring the possibility of our own radio show and hosting and planning the first (that we know of) Recovery Ministry Conference in Philadelphia. I am also asking for prayer as I begin school in September at Open House @ Master's Commission Bible Institute. I am overwhelmed that God is doing all this through an an old ex junkie, ex con, and formerly messed up combat vet like me. Now I understand what the songwriter meant when he said, "He saw the best in me when everyone else around could only see the worst in me!"

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