Saturday, April 23, 2016


Getting HYPE for worship tomorrow! Join us at Recovery Christian Center, 2418 Kensington Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19125. Our Recovery Principle Sunday School begins at noon and the Recovery and Deliverance Worship Experience begins at 1pm!

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Video From Tonight's Bible Study

Video from our 12 Steps to Recovery Bible Study, Step 1 Lesson 3 "Dangerous Self Deception"

Monday, April 18, 2016

12 Steps To Recovery Bible Study Every Tuesday at 7pm

Already excited about this week's 12 Steps to Recovery Bible Studytomorrow at 7pm at Recovery Christian Center @ SKA, Every Tuesday 2418 Kensington Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19125. We are continuing in Step One with Lesson 3. This week's topic is "Dangerous Self Deception" It is truly LIFE CHANGING!

Video from 12 Steps to Recovery Bible Study Lesson 2 and from Keith's 17th Recovery Anniversary Celebration

The last week at RCC was incredible. On Tuesday we had Step 1 Lesson 2 from our 12 Steps to Recovery Bible Study. Here is the video if you missed it:

Then on Sunday we celebrated Deacon Keith Farmer's 17th Recovery Anniversary! Here is the recording from a portion of that celebration:

Join us this Tuesday at 7pm as we continue in the bible study with lesson 3 entitled, "Dangerous Self Deception" Then on Sunday at non for our Recovery Principle Sunday School and at 1pm for our Recovery and Deliverance Worship Experience.

Recovery Christian Center
2418 Kensington Ave
Philadelphia Pa 19125
Tuesday 7pm: 12 Steps to Recovery Bible Studay
Wednesday 7pm: Won By One Christian 12 Step Fellowship Meeting
Sunday 12pm: Recovery Principle Sunday School
Sunday 1pm: Recovery and Deliverance Worship Experience

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

12 Steps to Recovery Bible Study was AWESOME!

Tonight's Launch of the 12 Steps to Recovery Bible Study was awesome! Lesson One on Step One was "The Paradox of Powerlessness" 2 Corinthians 4:7-10 and Isaiah 6. If you missed we recorded it. Get your bibles and your notebooks. If you have questions you can ask them in the comments.

Join us at Recovery Christian Center Every Tuesday at 7pm for Our 12 Steps to Recovery Bible Study. 2418 Kensington Ave, Philly, PA 19125

Monday, April 4, 2016

Launching 12 Steps to Recovery Bible Study

So excited about tomorrow night! Don't miss the launch of our 12 Steps to Recovery Bible Study, at Recovery Christian Center, 2418 Kensington Ave, Philly PA 19125. This and Every Tuesday at 7pm! It will Change Your Life! ***You don't have to be an addict to be impacted by this study!!!***